Thursday, November 6, 2008


What is Love? That is a question of MANY people, to me love is uncondtional. There is many many kids of love. You love your kids way differently then You love your husband, mom, dad, or whatever. I think you have to love yourself before you can love anyone or anything.

My love for my kids is soooo strong that i know it could never be broken. My love for my husband is way different. I mean I love love my husband but i couldn't say i love him as much as I love my kids. For my kids are mine i don't love my kids like i love my husband though it's a totally different love.

Some people are not in love, just love someone, so how could you really be with someone that you just "love" i mean to me if you are going to take a step and be married then you have to be "in love" so you don't fall out of love.

I know that love is a(n) very very strong word. And you shouldn't just say it cuz it sounds wonderful at the time, you should say it when you really mean it.

Love does not discrimnate, hate, kill, it's ever lasting, and should be forever.

So when you look at the special someone just think before taking that big dive, do i really love them, can i see my self with them forever, and ever? would i go to the end of the world for them. I know i can truely answer that question for my husband because I totally would.

I've went through a divorce but I wouldn't ever go through it again. I am not married to just be married i am in it because he is my best friend forever and nothing will ever change that.

I think with good love comes hardships, and no nobody's relationship's are perfect and if they are then they are lying to you and themselves, buy no means is my relationship perfect, i try to make it the best i can, but it's not going to be perfect, and i wouldn't want it to be perfect at all.

I do think arguments make a person stronger, it lets out the things that need to be said without blowing up.

So when you look at that certain someone in your life today just tell them what's on your mind, because no one is promised another day, and i wouldn't want to leave this life without saying what I had on my mind

1 comment:

Gail Sanders said...

After reading that it really made me sit back and think about the people I have in my life. I thought about the ones I care about, the ones I love, and the ones I consider myself to be "in love" with. It really made me rethink how i'm treating those people in my life and I thank you for that. Don't ever take a chance on letting people leave your life without first letting them know how you feel. That is one of the most important things I know, but lately I've been slipping away from that. I think I'm back on track now though. From now on I'll be doing a few things different.