Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Congrats on Obama

Well As I Wake Up this a.m. I hear the Obama wins. Which I'm completely grateful for.I mean honestly we do need a change but like i said before, i don't think america is READY for this kind of change. We have wayyyy to many people still living in the 1800's. Even with my middle child which is mexican I get soo many looks and crap and that pisses me off tremendously.. i mean at first my mom was like YOU can't have a mixed baby and i'm like seriously are you kidding's 2004 I think i can have a mixed baby now...but come to find out this baby is the love of her life..

Anyway..i just hope america is ready for this...I also hope he does what he says cuz that would be wondeful to..and i hope gas keeps going down it is 1.99 here!!!!


LazyCrazyMama said...

$1.99?!?! It's still over $2.50 here. But here we have a road tax on top of everything else.
Yes, I am so glad Obama won!! I hope things will change for the better!

~pen~ said...

I think that Obama will change things for the better. I also have a biracial child. Her dad is Navajo and we get some looks but mostly its because of him and we live in a melting pot...right outside of Phoenix, AZ. Go figure. Anyway, i can so relate to you. Will look forward to more....