Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Election

Okay, okay for real i'm sooo totally ready for this election to be OVER!!
I mean honestly does it really even matter who is going to do what and when first off no one can promise anything because you have to get the congress to actually okay it. Secondly and don't even think i'm racisit because i'm totally not but america is soo not ready for a black president, and i'm so ready for a democrat. But america isn't ready there still is a lot of racist people out there.

Secondly we won't know who will win probly for a month just like it was 8 years ago with bush and gore.

Thats all i have to say but i'm so ready for it to be done!!


Tiffany said...

I'm with you there - well about the election being over anyway! There will be tons of law suits and we'll be hearing about it for a long time though.

Bri said...

heck, we are still hearing about the crazy Floridians not knowing how to vote properly 4 yrs ago HAHAHAHA!