Monday, November 10, 2008

To justify YOURSELF

So I used to live in San Diego CA and i worked in this dreadful place that we call NCC (national Credit Check) loved the job but HATED the bosses and people in there. Anyway it consisted of 50 women no men and i'm sorry when you get all those women in one building it gets soooo catty. And I became friends with this one girl, and EVERYONE warned me that I shouldn't be friends with her...and honestly i at the time was 24 years old i'm pretty capable of making that decision...or so I thought...anyway...I started talking to her...and we hung out a couple times and when I would make comments about some people she would snap at me and tell me she doesnt talk about people and she's a born again christin and she told me this once she told me a thousand times I hate people that have to "justify" themselves....if you have to keep telling yourself that then obviously YOU arn't what you say you are. So finally she quit this place of work and it was sooooo much quiter and just plain relaxed...and she would tell me that I needed to get out of that place which is true i did but I also had to make a living.

Finally this blog was pretty much a vent blog I just HATE people who are always telling me what they are and shit like that...So have a wonderful day ;)

The weekend

So last weekend was terribly BUSY, I had all my boys plus a couple more because my little 7 year old wanted and begged to have friends come over, sooo me being a wonderful mom i thought what the heck who cares, go for it..NEVER again will I be that busy again!!!

Saturday i got up and fixed them all pancakes, and chilli for supper, then sunday i got up and fixed the breakfast bake it wasn't sooo good but i thought i would try it..i'm REALLY big on cooking and recipes.

Sunday I ALSO cleaned with all those boys!!! that wasn't as bad as I thought my mother asked me you cleaned with all those boys and honestly not so bad!!

well that's about the extent of my and exciting HUH!!!

Thursday, November 6, 2008


What is Love? That is a question of MANY people, to me love is uncondtional. There is many many kids of love. You love your kids way differently then You love your husband, mom, dad, or whatever. I think you have to love yourself before you can love anyone or anything.

My love for my kids is soooo strong that i know it could never be broken. My love for my husband is way different. I mean I love love my husband but i couldn't say i love him as much as I love my kids. For my kids are mine i don't love my kids like i love my husband though it's a totally different love.

Some people are not in love, just love someone, so how could you really be with someone that you just "love" i mean to me if you are going to take a step and be married then you have to be "in love" so you don't fall out of love.

I know that love is a(n) very very strong word. And you shouldn't just say it cuz it sounds wonderful at the time, you should say it when you really mean it.

Love does not discrimnate, hate, kill, it's ever lasting, and should be forever.

So when you look at the special someone just think before taking that big dive, do i really love them, can i see my self with them forever, and ever? would i go to the end of the world for them. I know i can truely answer that question for my husband because I totally would.

I've went through a divorce but I wouldn't ever go through it again. I am not married to just be married i am in it because he is my best friend forever and nothing will ever change that.

I think with good love comes hardships, and no nobody's relationship's are perfect and if they are then they are lying to you and themselves, buy no means is my relationship perfect, i try to make it the best i can, but it's not going to be perfect, and i wouldn't want it to be perfect at all.

I do think arguments make a person stronger, it lets out the things that need to be said without blowing up.

So when you look at that certain someone in your life today just tell them what's on your mind, because no one is promised another day, and i wouldn't want to leave this life without saying what I had on my mind

Okay thanks for that help

Okay thanks for the help with the pictures, now could someone tell me how to give my blog a layout like the ones at myspace or something like that, like where do i apply the code thanks!!

How do you do it?

So who ever reads this I was just wondering how you actually can put layouts in this blog? and pics? please do let me know cuz i want to spice up my blog and put pictures on it of all my kids thanks

Sex,Sex, Sex

So i have to write this little blog about Yes you guessed it SEX,
I have had Many many many sex partners and i'm not bragging by any means, it was a part of my life that i thought i needed..anyway...but honestly to god, i have to say my husband is the BEST person i have had sex with and i just LOVE it. It's like i'm addicted to this guy, maybe it's werid but i LOVE doing it with him, i mean the other guys i can say it wasn't so much fun i just did it cuz it was something to do or i was drunk or stoned and hey you know how that goes, but now that i am recovering 5 years it's actually soooo great to enjoy this with someone i truely LOVE.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Congrats on Obama

Well As I Wake Up this a.m. I hear the Obama wins. Which I'm completely grateful for.I mean honestly we do need a change but like i said before, i don't think america is READY for this kind of change. We have wayyyy to many people still living in the 1800's. Even with my middle child which is mexican I get soo many looks and crap and that pisses me off tremendously.. i mean at first my mom was like YOU can't have a mixed baby and i'm like seriously are you kidding's 2004 I think i can have a mixed baby now...but come to find out this baby is the love of her life..

Anyway..i just hope america is ready for this...I also hope he does what he says cuz that would be wondeful to..and i hope gas keeps going down it is 1.99 here!!!!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

To smoke or not to smoke its it the question?

So i was visiting my family in Missouri the past weekend and I was headed to this little resturant that still allows you to smoke. And i'm most diffently a smoker. So i lite up my ciggerette and started smokeing this little old lady came buy and sat at a table directly behind me. No problem. she's a old lady. Then she starts in with the whole smoking thing. Okay I have no problem if you make a comment on it ONCE but shut the fuck up about after words...

She then proceeds to say she doesn't have any respect for that baby...first off i'm not blowing the smoke in my baby's face, then she says second hand smoke is the worst,,then she tells her husband you really shouldn't be breathing this...UGG Shut up you said your crap already now just shut UP!!

Thats it

Crazy day in November

Okay it's November and it's 70 degrees Whats with the weather? I mean it's suppose to be cold maybe even snowning or at least raining. But it's 70 degrees in fact I moved from california (san diego) to come back to weather season's even...naw really i moved there to just be with my family I know i'm a softy I also met my husband here. If it wasn't for meeting him I would have probly stayed in Cali although I totally hated it there..another blog another story.

Anyway...the weather what is up with it?

The Election

Okay, okay for real i'm sooo totally ready for this election to be OVER!!
I mean honestly does it really even matter who is going to do what and when first off no one can promise anything because you have to get the congress to actually okay it. Secondly and don't even think i'm racisit because i'm totally not but america is soo not ready for a black president, and i'm so ready for a democrat. But america isn't ready there still is a lot of racist people out there.

Secondly we won't know who will win probly for a month just like it was 8 years ago with bush and gore.

Thats all i have to say but i'm so ready for it to be done!!

This is me in real life

This is me, my name is Casey Williams, i have a wonderful husband who's name is Dustin and we together have 4 beautiful little boys Devon 7, Adam 5, Gabriel 3, and our newest edition Corben 2 months. We have been together for little over a year now. We currently reside in Kansas. He is truely the love of my life. We also have a dog which is two a boy his name is EDDIE. As you can see I have ToNS of males in my life :)..

I'm a full time homemaker, and my husband is in welding, arc air.

My hobbies are when i have time, reading, writing, and cooking, I love recipes, and i love cooking.

My fave movies are Ten things i hate about you, and action drama, and romance, and comody.

I love anything buy Kid Rock and Pink So what is my new fave song.

I am Totaly into reality tv. I'm addicted to that

My drug of choice is caffene and of coarse

I love to have a good time which doest happen very offten since i do have kids.

i'm 28 years old.